Cheats Saint Row 4
- givedestroyer - AB Destroyer
- givehovercar - Alien Hover Car
- givehovertank - Alien Hover Tank
- givetrouble - Alien Jet Bike
- giveufo - Alien UFO
- giveattrazione - Attrazione
- givecribship - Crib Ship
- givecrusader - Crusader
- givecrusadercyrus - Crusader (Cyrus version)
- givecrusadersaints - Crusader (Saints version)
- giveeagle - Eagle
- giveeaglem16 - Eagle (M16 version)
- giveeagleswat - Eagle (SWAT version)
- givegunslinger - Gunslinger
- givegunslingerpolice - Gunslinger (Police version)
- givekey - Key
- givelightning - Lightning
- givemonster - Monster Truck
- giveoppressor - Oppressor
- giveoppressorangel - Oppressor (Angel version)
- giveoppressorpolice - Oppressor (Police version)
- givepony - Pony Cart
- giverecursorgreen - Recursor (Green)
- giverecursorpurple - Recursor (Purple)
- giverecursorred - Recursor (Red)
- giverelic - Relic
- givesnipes - Snipes 57
- givekillbanejet - Snipes 57 (Killbane version)
- givestiletto - Stiletto
- givethompson - Thompson
- givetornadoassault - Tornado (Assault version)
- givetornadomorningstar - Tornado (Morningstar version)
- givetornadong - Tornado - (NG version)
- givetornadopolice - Tornado (Police version)
- givetornadosaints - Tornado (Saints version)
- giveturret - Turret
- giveturreths - Turret HS
- giveverminator - Verminator
- givevtol - VTOL
- givevtolcyrus - VTOL (Cyrus version)
- givevtolsaints - VTOL (Saints version)
- givevulture - Vulture
- givevulturemorningstar - Vulture (Morningstar version)
- givevulturesaints - Vulture (Saints version)
- givevulturespotlight - Vulture (Spotlight version)
- giveturretwh - White House USA Turret
- givewoodpecker - Woodpecker
- givewoodpeckerluchadore - Woodpecker (Luchadore version)
- unlockitall - Access is granted to all unlockables
- cheese - Puts $100k in your pockets (can be spammed multiple times in a row)
- letsrock - Gives you a full load-out of randomized weapons
- goodygoody - Removes the Notoriety from you at any time
- runfast - Your super-sprint doesn't exhaust your Stamina
- fryhole - All of the dead bodies lying around start to raise up into the air
- vroom - Indestructible cars
- isquishyou - All cars can now drive over other cars like tanks (can only be turned off by reloading a clean save)
- hohoho - This makes all of the pedestrians either pimps or prostitutes
- mascot - All pedestrians turn into mascots
- evilcars - Makes all of the cars on the road target you and start attacking you
- ascii - Enables ASCII mode
- bigheadmode - Characters have big heads
- noglitchcity - Glitch effects are disabled
- nosupermove - Super movement is disabled
- nosuperpowers - Super powers are disabled
- nowardens - No wardens will spawn
- fastforward - Fast-forward is activated
- imhuge - The player becomes a giant
- goldengun - Single hits kill (cheat must first be unlocked during standard play)
- insanecity - The city is insane
- instantwarden - Immediately experience warden notoriety
- gravitykills - Low gravity effect is in place
- notrated - Everything gibs (cheat must first be unlocked during standard play)
- repaircar - Current vehicle being used is repaired
- slowmo - Slow motion effect is in place (cheat must first be unlocked during standard play)
- ittybitty - The player is tiny
- superblast - Blast is unlocked
- superbuff - Buff is unlocked
- superdfa - Death From Above is unlocked
- superstomp - Stomp is unlocked
- supertk - Telekinesis is unlocked
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